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Everything posted by Kristalina

  1. I wasn't able to bet at all, so don't accuse without knowledge, I was asking the mod
  2. Is that why everyone spams "reserved" even if they haven't placed their bet yet and don't know if they're going to lose? First 300 means first 300 entries or first 300 edited entries? By the way, last week I tried to bet on the selected match and it didn't let me bet at all, it said the maximum limit was as low as $0.29, and the mimimum to participate here is $5. Support couldn't help me bet so I missed the chance
  3. https://bc.game/#/sd/111O92E8ZW0W7N https://bc.game/#/sd/111OPWP5TZ86QB https://bc.game/#/sd/111OQG4KOBRI1F https://bc.game/#/sd/111OQNNHSKB18Z https://bc.game/#/sd/111QP9NIKJUJO3
  4. https://bc.game/#/sd/111IROX84EVMKZ https://bc.game/#/sd/111IS8C3I7XUDV https://bc.game/#/sd/111O85VSN5MDJN https://bc.game/#/sd/111O9VDZ9VQUXF https://bc.game/#/sd/111OA41Y6GP15F
  5. https://bc.game/#/sd/1116C7NQ69ORGZ https://bc.game/#/sd/111BLRYMDC9D77 https://bc.game/#/sd/111JRXMAH68UMR https://bc.game/#/sd/111JS9W0DDV1N7 https://bc.game/#/sd/111JSM05RYEJV7 https://bc.game/#/sd/111JSVG77O6C5V https://bc.game/#/sd/111JTCMLOWXTEB https://bc.game/#/sd/111JTPBIT0QP77
  6. https://bc.game/#/sd/110XGP0GZHK07N https://bc.game/#/sd/110XGYHBGTMADV
  7. https://bc.game/#/sd/110K9XKT8FAUXF https://bc.game/#/sd/110KAH9NFUQSR7
  8. https://bc.game/#/sd/110FMZ9C7AK9HV https://bc.game/#/sd/110G0UP33D6JO3 https://bc.game/#/sd/110G4VUY4TZPXV https://bc.game/#/sd/110G60XF004LJN
  9. https://bc.game/#/sd/110A528MOMP0R7 https://bc.game/#/sd/110HZC8295QL1V
  10. https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZXSCY2ZFC6J7 https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZXSM298LDR0Z https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZXSOKZBMZG9F https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZXSPZOIMTFKJ
  11. https://bc.co/#/sd/10ZTAEVF7OPZ4J https://bc.game/#/sd/10ZY4GYVVCSJKJ
  12. https://bc.co/#/sd/10ZLBYKEBMIBYR https://bc.co/#/sd/10ZLD67NXRBZF7 https://bc.co/#/sd/10ZLE4WRYXWZYR
  13. test message! Ticket ID: 2215308994254348432
  14. Sorry, I'm not sure if bets from different dates have to be added in one post or if every day starts a different round, as it is one jersey per day.
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